Preparing for the CMS Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Project
Research continues to find that in-home rehab after joint surgery is as cost-effective and equal in outcomes and patient satisfaction to inpatient rehab facilities.
The most important takeaway from the latest CMS effort to rein in costs, achieve positive patient outcomes and lower hospital readmission rates and complication rates is that hospitals must now manage the entire episode of care.
CMS’s Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) bundled-payment program mandates that 790 U.S. hospitals take responsibility for the care quality and total cost of hip and knee replacements, from surgery out through 90 days of rehabilitation and recovery. But the writing is on the wall for all hospitals, health systems and providers: Engaging patients throughout the care continuum—before, during and after surgery—will improve outcomes, decrease readmissions, earn CMS incentive payments and avoid penalties.