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Increasing Well-Child Visits & Reducing No-Shows With Digital Messaging

Posted by Betsy Weaver, Ed.D. on May 19, 2020 6:43:31 AM

Amid significant disruptions from COVID-19, digital messaging and education brings patients back

Pediatricians have long been concerned about families skipping routine well-child visits. These visits are essential for vaccine delivery, identifying health and development concerns, and providing resources and information to patients. Pediatric Medical Associates (PMA) in Sacramento, experienced a sizable and troubling increase in missed and cancelled visits as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. PMA confronted this challenge head-on, using SmarteXp® to educate and engage families, reverse the trend and reduce the no-shows and appointment cancellations that threatened both their patients' health and their practice.

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Topics: Patient Engagement, Patient Experience, patient education, pregnancy, COVID-19

UbiCare Offers COVID-19 Resources to Assist in Crisis Response

Posted by Debra Zalvan on May 1, 2020 7:14:57 AM

Crisis Communication Samples and Resources for Healthcare Professionals

UbiCare’s new COVID-19 Resources gallery is a free resource for healthcare professionals. Easily accessible from the UbiCare.com home page, the gallery is packed with examples of how hospitals are using patient engagement technology to stay connected with their patients.

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Topics: Patient Engagement, Patient Experience, patient education, pregnancy, joint replacement, COVID-19

Beyond HCAHPS: Understanding Patient Experience & Satisfaction

Posted by Paula Adamcewicz on Mar 4, 2020 6:30:00 AM

As Director of Woman and Newborn Services at East Jefferson General Hospital in Metairie, Louisiana, I’m keenly aware that we face strong competition for the business of expectant moms and their families. Ours is one of four hospitals in the metro-New Orleans area offering obstetric care, which means there is a lot of competition for new patients.

But we have a competitive advantage. We’ve developed a way to boost our patient relationships early and establish invaluable access, starting in the beginning of pregnancy and continuing through their children’s early years.

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Topics: Guest Blog, Patient Experience, patient education, pregnancy, HCAHPS

Why MIMI Is a Game-Changer for Maternal & Infant Mortality

Posted by Debra Zalvan on Dec 5, 2019 7:30:00 AM

When we introduced MIMI, UbiCare’s national public health initiative to help reduce preventable maternal and infant mortality, we noted that U.S. infant mortality rates are decreasing, though at a slower rate than in comparable countries. Unlike infant mortality, however, maternal mortality in the U.S. has steadily increased over the last 25 years.

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Topics: UbiCare, SmarteXp, early childhood, patient education, pregnancy, infant mortality, maternal mortality, MIMI

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