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When Is the Best Time to Activate Patients?

Posted by Jo Charest on Sep 8, 2016 3:29:40 PM

There are many solutions out there that engage patients at different times in the care journey. At UbiCare, we have always maintained that setting patient expectations earlier in the care episode is better to improve patient outcomes.

Research supports this, as well. In a Gallup study of pre-surgery patients who received education to set expectations, researchers found that going into surgery with a good idea of what’s coming afterwards had the biggest impact on patient satisfaction.

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Topics: Value-Based Care, Improving Patient Outcomes, Patient Engagement, Patient Experience, Episode of Care, patient activation

How Social Media Content Attracts New Patients to Your Hospital

Posted by Debra Zalvan on Aug 17, 2016 3:00:00 PM

We discussed in an earlier post that information found on social media affects the way more than 40% of consumers deal with their health. But did you know that healthcare social media content also helps attract patients to your hospital and encourages them to return in the future?

Patients are increasingly becoming savvy healthcare consumers, shopping for hospitals the way they do other items online. They are looking for a concierge experience that combines the best care, accessible doctors, friendly nurses and amenities like private rooms and hotel-quality food. In patients’ minds, all of those items factor into a positive hospital experience.

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Topics: Patient Engagement

Why Hospitals Need to Engage Patients on Social Media

Posted by Jackie Simon on Aug 4, 2016 8:30:00 AM

... And How to Do It Effectively

By now, most hospitals know they should be on social media, but they still struggle to understand where the value lies for them.

Consider this: More than 40% of consumers say that information found via social media affects the way they deal with their health. Social media offers hospitals the opportunity to impact health outcomes on a large scale.

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Topics: Patient Engagement

Automatic Patient Communication Means a Better Standard of Care

Posted by The UbiCrew on May 13, 2016 11:30:00 AM

Technology is pervasive in how we manage our day-to-day activities. 89% of adults in the U.S. report using the Internet or owning a smartphone. The vast majority of patients report that they want email communication with their physician.

How can you take advantage of this ubiquity in healthcare practice? 

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Topics: Meaningful Use, Value-Based Care, Improving Patient Outcomes, Patient Engagement, Healthcare Technology