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Making Patient Education Systems a Snap … with APIs

Posted by Debra Zalvan on Jun 10, 2015 10:48:03 AM

Your patients are looking for educational resources online.

In fact, about 7 out of 10 (72%) of adult Internet users say they have searched online for information about a range of health issues—especially specific diseases—according to Pew’s The Social Life of Health Information

A few weeks ago, we shared a blog post about Choosing the Right Patient Education Systems for the changing digital healthcare environment. We wrote about how the first step in an effective plan for real patient education or engagement is finding patient education systems that will help you connect with patients digitally—right where they are—online. 

White Paper: Understanding the Changing Healthcare Environment and How to Incorporate Digital Patient Education Systems

Now that you understand the need to connect with patients digitally about their health, your next question is probably, “Who has the time?” That’s where APIs come in.

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Topics: Value-Based Care, Patient Engagement

5 Tips for Engaging Patients and Improving Patient Care

Posted by Betsy Weaver, Ed.D. on Apr 28, 2015 9:51:00 AM


Engaging patients in their treatment plan and follow-up care is “very important” to improving patient care


This is according to 96% of nearly 3,000 M.D.s interviewed for athenahealth’s Epocrates Interoperation Research Study (4/10/15), conducted by EAS Planning.

Of course, this is important and very likely it has always been true for our nation’s docs. In the past, it was achieved through face-to-face interaction. Now these same things can be done digitally—if you choose your patient engagement solutions wisely.


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Topics: Value-Based Care, Patient Engagement